Performance A Squad (Max 24 swimmers)

Minimum Chronological age:      

Female 12

Male 13

The age criteria are guidelines, more weight will be given to biological age.  Growth spurts will usually occur between these parameters at this stage therefore exceptions are at the discretion of the Head Coach.

Entry Levels

Swimmers who wish to move to Performance A Squad should have achieved 3 Kent times, including a 200-metre event.

Regular attendance at competitions according to fixture list and training plan and attendance to Team events when selected are also required.


Performance A Squad has 10 sessions with 15 hours training per week.

Swimmers will be expected to attend a minimum of 10 hours per week of swimming or at least 6 swim sessions making up at least 75% of monthly training and 2 gym/land training sessions per week.

Swimmers will be requested to attend extra morning sessions in some parts of the cycle.

Attendance at competitions is required in order gain experience and to monitor training progress.

Attendance and lane discipline will be taken into account when assessing swimmers/squad training criteria and goals.

Working Towards:

  1. Maintenance of technical performance and an understanding of the given set over challenging sets without interruptions over a two-hour session.
  2. Use of and understanding of injury prevention, band training and mobility at home.
  3. An understanding of the importance of hydration and nutrition strategies.
  4. Improve County qualifying times, including 200.
  5. Two regional qualifying times including a 200 qualifying time.
  6. One national qualifying time.

Swimming diary:

Swimmers will be asked to keep a basic diary recording their attendance, the actual volume of the session performed, training personal bests, competition PB’s, stroke count over 25/50m, short, medium and long term goals.     

Keeping a diary allows a swimmer to track their own training progress and swimmers are able to see their progression or regression in training ability/attendance/stroke counting/training PB’s etc..


Every swimmer’s behaviour will be taken into consideration and can be one of the factors considered when a swimmer has proven themselves technically, physically and mentally. All movements are at coach’s discretion.


  • Swimming hat + spare;
  • Swimming goggles + spare;
  • Water bottle;
  • Kick board;
  • Pull buoy;
  • Short fins;
  • Paddles.